Does cleansing teeth with lime peel harm the teeth enamel and cause discoloration? Can you consult me about this, doctor? (Giang, 29, Binh Phuoc)


Lime peel contains citric acid and other natural ingredients, which can whiten things. But cleansing teeth with lime peels is not a safe and effective method.

Citric acid in lime peel is strongly acidic, so it can erode enamel, which results in teeth stains and sensitivity. This acid may also cause several teeth problems if it is used for cleansing teeth long term.

Can I whiten my teeth with lime peel? Lime-f10
Citric acid in lime peel is strongly acidic, so it can erode enamel, which results in teeth stains and sensitivity.
Photo illustration by Freepik

Children’s teeth, which are not fully developed and have weak enamel, are especially vulnerable to the citric acid in lime peels or other raw materials.

Veneered teeth should not be treated with lime peels either, as the surface of the veneers may get damaged, lose shininess or even be ruined.

For safe teeth whitening methods, you should visit the dentist. They will use professional teeth whitening products, which can both cleanse the teeth and protect your teeth and gums. They can also provide you with a personal cleansing gel so that you can whiten your teeth on your own at home.

There are currently various types of teeth whitening products, including whitening gel, toothbrush, and toothpaste. However, some of them may cause teeth and gum sensitivity. It is recommended to read the instructions carefully before using such products.

In order to keep teeth strong and white, it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet, take care of teeth carefully, avoid substances that may discolor teeth, such as coffee, red wine and cigarettes. The best way to take care of teeth is brushing twice a day and going to the dental clinic regularly.

By Dr. Ta Quoc Hung
Department of Dermatology, HCMC University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital