Orange juice is a healthful beverage that boosts the immune system, yet it’s best avoided in the evening or when your stomach is empty.

Dr. Bui Dac Sang from the Oriental Traditional Medicine Association of Hanoi notes that oranges are abundant in vitamins C and A, and contain numerous minerals that are good for health. A medium orange provides about 15.4 grams of carbohydrates, 60 calories, 12 grams of sugar, 3 grams of fiber, 70 milligrams of vitamin C, and 237 milligrams of potassium.

Consuming orange juice enhances immune function, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduces high blood cholesterol, and fights aging.

However, the expert advises against drinking orange juice during these specific times to prevent negative health effects.

In the evening

At night, as the body rests and burns little energy, consuming orange juice can result in an energy surplus and lead to the accumulation of water and fat in the abdominal area.

Drinking orange juice at night may also cause nocturia, disrupt sleep, and the acid content can harm tooth enamel. Consuming it before bedtime could also affect the kidneys, with the potential of excess minerals forming kidney stones.

When should you avoid drinking orange juice? Pexels13
Fresh orange juice.
Illustration photo by Pexels

When hungry

Consuming orange juice on an empty stomach can significantly impact gastric health. The vitamin C in orange juice can react with stomach acid, possibly leading to inflammation and ulcers if ingested in high quantities.

Drinking with milk

Consuming orange juice right after drinking milk is not recommended as the protein in milk may react with the tartaric acid and vitamin C in the orange juice. This reaction can disrupt digestion, potentially leading to bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

It is also suggested to avoid orange juice when taking medication. It’s better to have the drink one to two hours before or after taking medicines.

For safety, it is most beneficial to drink orange juice in the morning to enhance nutrient, vitamin, and mineral absorption, providing sufficient energy for the day. This is also when the stomach is best suited to absorb nutrients efficiently. Additionally, orange juice can be consumed one to two hours after a meal.

Individuals sensitive to components in orange juice, such as vitamin C, should steer clear of it. Those with stomach inflammation or digestive problems should also limit their consumption as the acidic nature of orange juice can irritate the stomach lining.

People with diabetes, liver, or kidney issues should exercise caution. Even healthy individuals should avoid consuming excessive amounts of orange juice, which can lead to an overload of vitamin C in the body.

By Thuy An